Mohs surgery

Care by Board-Certified Dermatologists

Comprehensive Dermatology of Long Beach

Mohs Micrographic Surgery in Long Beach, CA

Our ACMS Fellowship-trained Mohs Surgeon specializes in advanced Mohs Micrographic Surgery, a highly effective method for treating skin cancer while preserving surrounding healthy tissue. Serving Long Beach and surrounding areas, our skilled providers are committed to delivering precise and personalized care.

Request an appointment for a skin cancer consultation with Mohs surgeon today.


What is Mohs Micrographic Surgery?

Mohs Micrographic Surgery is a meticulous and effective procedure designed to treat skin cancer with minimal impact on healthy tissue. Our skilled professionals at Comprehensive Dermatology of Long Beach employ this technique by removing cancerous tumors layer by layer. This approach is particularly recommended in the following situations:

  1. The tumor is located in a cosmetically sensitive area, such as the face.
  2. The tumor has borders that are hard to define.
  3. The tumor is large or aggressive.
  4. The tumor has a high risk of recurrence or has recurred after previous surgery.

Each layer removed is examined under the microscope, ensuring the complete removal of cancer cells while minimizing damage to nearby healthy cells. This precision is crucial, especially in delicate areas.

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Fellowship-trained, board-certified mohs surgeon

Meet Our Mohs Surgeon, Dr. Dennis Nguyen

Dr. Dennis Nguyen is proud to be serving the community as a Board-Certified Dermatologist and ACMS Fellowship-trained Mohs Surgeon. Since 2009, Dr. Nguyen has honed his interest and skills in the treatment of skin cancer. His fellowship training and extensive experience make him uniquely qualified for the meticulous removal of skin cancers and the art of facial reconstruction. Over 20,000 patients can attest to his surgical acumen and dedication to patient care.

Dr. Nguyen is a fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology and American College of Mohs Surgery, and member of the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery. He reviews articles for publication in the journal Dermatologic Surgery.


Prioritizing Preventative Care

While Mohs Micrographic Surgery is a safe and effective procedure, we emphasize the importance of preventative care at Comprehensive Dermatology of Long Beach. Early detection opens up more treatment options, making a significant difference in preserving your health. Regular check-ups and screenings ensure that potential issues are identified and addressed promptly.

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Choose Comprehensive Dermatology Of Long Beach for

mohs surgery

Choose Comprehensive Dermatology of Long Beach for Mohs Micrographic Surgery and comprehensive skin health care. Our commitment to precision and preventative care sets us apart in serving the Long Beach community.

Schedule Your mohs consultation Now!

Call us at (562) 256-9929 or click here to book online.

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